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Kids Yoga Teacher Spotlight: May Murray

Growing up, my family loved to move around the state, but I consider North Denver to be my hometown, and I currently live in Aurora with my fur-sister, Gigi.

To pay my way through college, I taught swimming lessons and water exercise to children and families at a local recreation center, and that’s where I found the joy of building children and family connections. I then worked as a clinical therapist in a treatment center. When I crashed and burned from a lack of self-care, I became a special education teacher, where I truly found my passion—advocating for the underserved and helping others learn to be their own voice for whole body health and wellness.

Last year, I was presented with another twist in my career path; and although it was difficult to walk away from something I felt passionately connected to, I trust that I am exactly where I am supposed to be, doing what I am supposed to be doing, so I took the leap! And now, I am living a dream I would never have even imagined was a possibility…it’s a wonderful blend of all the experiences I’ve had on this winding road and I get to share it with my community! As the school counselor, my primary responsibility is to teach mindfulness to every student and staff at Altura Elementary.

With that opportunity came the chance to work with Young Yokes to receive the training to become a kids’ yoga teacher. My initial interest was to practice and learn how to use our breath, movement and connections to be happy, safe, and at peace with my community. To build those skills in myself and share them with my community as we build further connection has become my on-going intention. Learning how to do this has been an amazing journey! It truly has required a village of learners to grow and connect with, both through the training and with my school community. The training and teaching have helped me to be a better practitioner of self-care and wholeness. Once I learned to really embrace self-regulation, I am so much better equipped to co-regulate and teach regulation to others and the circle of wellness with in my community grows each day. Collaboration and courage to try new things seem to be the keys to making the experience work for me and my classes. And that’s what I hope my students take with them—community, connection, courage.

I would encourage anyone who desires to find connection within themselves and without in their communities to try the concepts of yoga and mindfulness. The lessons learned on the mat will transfer to everywhere in your life. And learning to teach these lessons to others will bring a new level of joy to your own practice. It is SO worth it!

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